Aerial Photos / IGN

Slope Map (IGN Plan)

Map 1950 / IGN

State Major Map (1820-1866)

Open Street Map

"Autour d'une tesselle" workshop
Murielle welcomes children and adults to take part in mosaic workshops. A place to meet and share different practices, mini-exhibitions and events.

Art of cutlery : Claude Giraud
Claude Giraud creates, from precious matters, unique handmade pieces : knives, jewelleries, pens... Pasionnate about art of cutlery, he proposes training courses (introduction, improvment, profesional).

Création Arawak
Thierry Rozan is an enthusiast and turns local wood essences into monumental sculptures, furniture items or jewels, using traditional tools and a chainsaw. He makes demonstrations and creates to order.

Gallery Raymonde Parot
Exhibition and sale of Raymonde Parot's works (oil, pastel, watercolour, drawing). Paintings by request.

Leather workshop
Dominique Rozan create its pieces in the best tradition of hand-stitched. Creations, reparations, leather and exotic skins using (crocodile, ostrich, shark...). Introduction, improvment and profesional training courses possible.

Modelling and scultpure on terra cotta
On the foot of Montagne Bourbonnaise, Virginie Lemonnier devote herself to her passion of modelling, passion she enjoys share. In her workshop, you will find unique creations interra cotta : animals, but above all the female body.